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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Canon, in music, a type of counterpoint employing the strictest form of imitation. All the voices of a canon have the same melody, beginning at different times. Successive entrances may be at the same or at different pitches. Another form of canon is the circle canon, or round, e.g., Sumer Is Icumen In. In the 14th and 15th century retrograde motion was employed to form what is known as crab canon, or canon cancrizans, wherein the original melody is turned backward to become the second voice. In the 15th and 16th cent. mensuration canons were frequently written, in which the voices sing the same melodic pattern in different, but proportional, note values, i.e., to be sung at different speeds.

Bach made noteworthy use of canon, particularly in the Goldberg Variations. Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Schumann, and Brahms wrote canons, and Franck used the device in the last movement of his violin sonata.

from Answers.com

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / This guy is great!
    • 这个小伙子不是Jerry,不过弹得和Jerry差不多了。Jerry的录像在这里,他的录像在很多老外论坛上传播,很是给华人挣面子,是台湾同胞。
      • 不错哈,你认识他?
        • 不认识
      • 跩! 象吃了伪哥似的
    • Hia hia… 得有点躁狂症精神才弹得出来这样吧。;)
    • 我替巴赫砸这小子一砖!。。。
      • 曲名儿是哪个来着?
        • Cannon in D
          • 我糊涂了,卡农到底是帕海贝尔的还是巴赫的?






            • Bach for sure。。。
              • 这里是说帕海贝尔:
                • 半瓶醋这下剩瓶底儿了。。。:-(
            • Canon is a compositional technique. Many composers have written canons. The one played here is by Johann Pachelbel.
              • Pachelbel's Canon
              • 我就熟LZ贴的Pachelbel's Canon啊。难道还有谁的Canon也或更受欢迎吗?
                • .
                  Canon, in music, a type of counterpoint employing the strictest form of imitation. All the voices of a canon have the same melody, beginning at different times. Successive entrances may be at the same or at different pitches. Another form of canon is the circle canon, or round, e.g., Sumer Is Icumen In. In the 14th and 15th century retrograde motion was employed to form what is known as crab canon, or canon cancrizans, wherein the original melody is turned backward to become the second voice. In the 15th and 16th cent. mensuration canons were frequently written, in which the voices sing the same melodic pattern in different, but proportional, note values, i.e., to be sung at different speeds.

                  Bach made noteworthy use of canon, particularly in the Goldberg Variations. Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Schumann, and Brahms wrote canons, and Franck used the device in the last movement of his violin sonata.

                  from Answers.com
                  • .
                • The truth is, Pachelbel's Canon in D has been made into pop classical, thanks to the advent of mass media and pop culture.
            • Johann Pachelbel
    • Supper cool,听着有点像BEYOND的曲风,不知是哪首