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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

这是加拿大第一位获格莱美奖(1992)的乡村女歌手,她出生和成长于Merlin, Ontario的一个农庄,从小就受Detroit电台播放的乡村音乐熏陶,她的父母也都是乡村音乐歌手,个人认为,这首Your Love是她众多歌曲中最出众的一首。。。

Michelle Wright

Your Love (is the greatest gift of all)




It's not the flowers, wrapped in fancy paper
it's not the ring, i wear around my finger
There's nothing in all the world i need
when i have you here beside me,
here beside me

so you could give me wings to fly
and catch me if i fall
or pull the stars down from the sky
so i could wish on them all
but i couldnt as for more
cuz your love is the greatest gift of all

in your arms, i found a strength inside me
and in your eyes there's a light to guide me
i would be lost with out you
and all that my heart could ever want
has come true

so you could give me wings to fly
and catch me if i fall
or pull the stars down from the sky
so i could wish on them all
but i couldnt as for more
cuz your love is the greatest gift of all

you could offer me the sun, the moon
and i would still believe
you gave me everything
when you gave your heart to me

so you could give me wings to fly
and catch me if i fall
or pull the stars down from the sky
so i could wish on them all
but i couldnt as for more
cuz your love is the greatest gift of all


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 这是加拿大第一位获格莱美奖(1992)的乡村女歌手,她出生和成长于Merlin, Ontario的一个农庄,从小就受Detroit电台播放的乡村音乐熏陶,她的父母也都是乡村音乐歌手,个人认为,这首Your Love是她众多歌曲中最出众的一首。。。
    Michelle Wright

    Your Love (is the greatest gift of all)




    It's not the flowers, wrapped in fancy paper
    it's not the ring, i wear around my finger
    There's nothing in all the world i need
    when i have you here beside me,
    here beside me

    so you could give me wings to fly
    and catch me if i fall
    or pull the stars down from the sky
    so i could wish on them all
    but i couldnt as for more
    cuz your love is the greatest gift of all

    in your arms, i found a strength inside me
    and in your eyes there's a light to guide me
    i would be lost with out you
    and all that my heart could ever want
    has come true

    so you could give me wings to fly
    and catch me if i fall
    or pull the stars down from the sky
    so i could wish on them all
    but i couldnt as for more
    cuz your love is the greatest gift of all

    you could offer me the sun, the moon
    and i would still believe
    you gave me everything
    when you gave your heart to me

    so you could give me wings to fly
    and catch me if i fall
    or pull the stars down from the sky
    so i could wish on them all
    but i couldnt as for more
    cuz your love is the greatest gift of all

    • Up up up! also, do you have Amy Sky's "I Will Take Care Of You"? Please :-)
      • Here u go。。。#3136717@0
    • Michelle Wright is so much like Trisha Yearwood in terms of vocal style. I used to think this was Trisha Yearwood's song. I like them both.
    • A great great song! 也听过她为圣诞节改编了歌词的这首歌,味道就不如这首初始版本的。觉得她的风格与Faith Hill有些类似。
      • Agree, original version is unbeatable。。。
    • 以大师下手太快了,我都没抢着一耳朵。
      • 再试试。。。
        • Thank God that I saved it to my computer several days ago. :)
          • 24 hours limited offer is a serious declaration, however it could be waived sometimes for those eager fans。。。
            • I've no idea why, but all your stuff is the easiest for me to save in this forum plus those by the Black Bird, while Maer's is among the most difficult. Thanks. :)
              • Not at all. I am nervous about what you said, please read the statement carefully 。。。
                • "您下载它之后必须在24小时之内将它删除,并不得以商业目的传播它。" Why nervous? They are in my computer and not in 商业目的 broadcasting. Should be no problem.
    • 谢! 的确好听. 为什么我分不清她们谁是谁,听她们的歌全一样漂亮?以大师是不是能听出不同风格?
      • 以大师听流行歌曲,如同你听歌剧的咏叹调,(多大的差距啊),听多了就会分辨出来,但有时也会被忽悠。。。
        • 是啊,差距那么大,我都没有信心追赶了。。
    • 是老歌就顶!