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"生如夏花之绚烂, 死如秋叶之静美" -- 里查.施特劳斯告别世界的<最后四首歌>.

Richard Strauss: Four Last Songs

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
Radio Symphonie Orchester Berlin
George Szell

1. Spring

In darkening caverns
I dreamed long
of your trees and azure breezes,
of your scents and birdsong.

Now you lie revealed
in glitter and array,
bathed in light
like a miracle before me.

You know me again;
you invite me tenderly.
There quivers through all my limbs
your blessed presence.

2. September

The garden is in mourning;
the rain sinks coolly on the flowers,
summertime shudders
quietly to its close.

Leaf upon golden leaf is dropping
down from the tall acacia tree.
Summer smiles amazed and exhausted
on the dying dream that was this garden.

Long by the roses,
it tarries, yearns for rest,
slowly closes its (great)
weary eyes.

3. Going to Sleep

Now the day has wearied me.
And my ardent longing shall
the stormy night in friendship
enfold like a tired child.

Hands, leave all work;
brow, forget all thought.
Now all my senses
long to sink themselves in slumber.

And the spirit unguarded
longs to soar on the free wings,
so that, in the magic circle of night,
it may live deeply, and a thousandfold.

4. At Gloaming 夕照

Through want and joy we have
walked hand in hand;
we are both resting from our travels
now, in the quiet countryside.

Around us the valleys fold up,
already the air grows dark,
only two larks still soar
wishfully into the balmy sky.

Come here, and let them fly about;
soon it is time for sleep.
We must not go astray
in this solitude.

O spacious, tranquil peace,
so profound in the gloaming.
How tired we are of travelling -
is this perhaps death?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / "...大地母亲,何时收留你孤独流浪的孩子?..."------血色浪漫之<<大地之歌>>

    "永恒的青春里,没有人相信他会死去", 这是一篇散文的开篇之辞,也是盈绕德国浪漫主义作曲家古斯塔夫·马勒一生的悲凉情愫.

    马勒的身世是不幸的, 年幼时有兄弟姐妹相继夭折,成年后又痛失幼女,展开事业时,作为德国尤太人却又遭当局迫害,所有不幸使他在年轻时形成的死亡情节在一生中挥之不去,并贯穿在他的每一部作品中.早年,他在宗教中寻求解脱,他的第1交响曲到第4交响曲,我们总能听到他渴望的天堂之光; 当天堂使他难以释怀时,他试图重新振作,直面人生,在第5交响曲里我们听到最美丽的爱情之歌,也听到了绝望之后的欢乐和希望;但命运的撞击使内心因痛苦而扭曲,到第六交响曲时,马勒表现出自戗的迹象及浓烈的世纪末绝望情怀.以后,他在这种氛围中难以自拔.

    在他晚年,偶尔读到了一本名为<<中国笛>>的中国唐诗德译本,正是这种的心理轨迹,使他感受到李白,孟浩然等的诗词意境和这种世纪末情怀相契和, 于是,抽取其中6首, 创作了这曲人声与乐队的交响乐作品---<<大地之歌>>.

    此时马勒再次对青春与死亡等主题进行了深入的思考,该作品将人生最严肃的问题推到世人面前, 表达了与此相关的最复杂与相互冲突的情感-----人生无常,青春变得异常的凄美; 孤独飘零于世,寂寞也能带来一点相伴的温暖;人在死神面前注定无法逃遁, 只有大地,花开花谢,年复一年地直到永远. 一边是对生的深深念眷,一边是回归大地母亲的心灵慰籍.<<大地之歌>>成为一首感人至深的20世纪浪漫主义最伟大的作品之一.

    这里是德国出生的美籍指挥家otto klemperer指挥英国的爱乐乐团,由Christa Ludwig 和Fritz Wunderlich 演唱的录音.


    有些音乐可以让我们常听常新, 就象在贝多芬,莫扎特与巴赫的音乐中发现的古典神韵;有些音乐能使我们旧梦重温,就象柴可夫斯基和拉赫曼尼洛夫音乐中弥漫的浪漫情怀;马勒的音乐却是这样的一类: 内心一旦被触动,便不由自主地要将她封存在内心,永远不想让她走出来. 这首<<大地之歌>>虽然有着唐诗中浪漫飘逸的元素,但仍然是一种最伤感且伤神的作品, 当我努力从这种氛围中走出来时,我想到了莫扎特----人生注定要经过高峰低谷,我们何不面向阳光,而把阴影扔到身后?

    Das Lied von der Erde






    • 替马勒之子--马儿抢沙发。。。
      • 谢俩老哥哎~~~~~~~刚看到各~~~~:D
        • 好象上传的文件有点问题,声音不流畅??确认有问题后,我明天重传一次.
          • 是的,我已经感觉到,开始还以为是电脑某PROCESS害的,查后不是。
            • fflushed, it's OK now.because the size of files is too big, pls download and play.
              • 是你的CD有划痕,或者COPY的时候有FLAW。。。不是上传的问题。。。但,已经很可以的了。。。不影响音乐之美。
                • I think it's got to do with the encoding. Either he was running some big program during encoding that took lots of memroy, causing interruptions in signal processing and transfer, or he was watching porn at the time.
                  this is what happens when u watch too much porn at work.
                  • ~
                  • fixed! the reason is that it had been uploaded with asc mode which is wrong.
              • 用REAL播放,感觉稍微好一点。。
              • How to download?
                • www.eagleno1.dreamhosters.com/1.mp3 ... 6.mp3; probably i will upload it again.
                  • Hey, sounds you unveiled your mask purposely。。。:-P
                    • :))))
                      • 严肃点!!
                        • 得,俺那5斤眼泪白流了...
                    • 新马甲是不是看着一身正气的说?
                      • 正气 正气 正气 ))))
                      • 现在是正不压邪的时代,还是一身邪气的好。。。:-)
                      • 鹰就鹰呗,还什么蓝渤彎,还搞什么繁体,过分修饰,内容空洞,跟勃拉姆斯一个毛病
                        • 还动不动就讲鹰语.
    • Welcome back! Mr. X. :)
      听马勒, 我感到了, 活着, 孤独是一种必然, 死是一种追求,,,
      • ”活着, 孤独是一种必然, 死是一种追求“ - 然!
      • “活着, 孤独是一种必然, 死是一种追求”这是我不喜欢马勒的理由,建议新移民不要听马勒,远离。。。
    • 1-顶,2-慢慢的鉴赏,3-认真的评论。。。。谢楼上各位赏乐家!
    • ”悲来呼,悲来呼,主任悠久且莫斟,听我一曲悲来湖。。。“ - 李白
    • 听罢一旁抹把泪。。。叹世事多纣,叹人生无圆满。。。
      • 我是不敢听马勒的。。。。
        • 马勒的音乐,凄美有加,是我所爱。
      • 人生圆满是偶然,人生无圆满是必然,何叹之有?何泪之有?。。。
        • 我境界不高过~~
      • 马儿如果和lz一样,喜欢“飘逸的、伤感的、诗意的”浪漫派的有人声的作品,一定会喜欢R.Strauss的"Four Last Songs"吧?
        同样是感时伤怀、生生死死的永恒主题,"Four Last Songs"音乐色彩的变幻更灵动,影调更柔和也更丰富,情绪没有那么悲观,却仍有感人至深的力量。我可以一遍又一遍地听,那女高音的歌声象是一种抚摸。。。
        • 敬请罗罗贴来。。。是不是<死亡与净化>里面的?
          • 不是。"Death and Transfiguration"是交响诗,上面那个是lieder. 但好象最后一首歌的最后一句引用了D&T的一个主题。//等俺有空就上船。
          • "生如夏花之绚烂, 死如秋叶之静美" -- 里查.施特劳斯告别世界的<最后四首歌>.
            Richard Strauss: Four Last Songs

            Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
            Radio Symphonie Orchester Berlin
            George Szell

            1. Spring

            In darkening caverns
            I dreamed long
            of your trees and azure breezes,
            of your scents and birdsong.

            Now you lie revealed
            in glitter and array,
            bathed in light
            like a miracle before me.

            You know me again;
            you invite me tenderly.
            There quivers through all my limbs
            your blessed presence.

            2. September

            The garden is in mourning;
            the rain sinks coolly on the flowers,
            summertime shudders
            quietly to its close.

            Leaf upon golden leaf is dropping
            down from the tall acacia tree.
            Summer smiles amazed and exhausted
            on the dying dream that was this garden.

            Long by the roses,
            it tarries, yearns for rest,
            slowly closes its (great)
            weary eyes.

            3. Going to Sleep

            Now the day has wearied me.
            And my ardent longing shall
            the stormy night in friendship
            enfold like a tired child.

            Hands, leave all work;
            brow, forget all thought.
            Now all my senses
            long to sink themselves in slumber.

            And the spirit unguarded
            longs to soar on the free wings,
            so that, in the magic circle of night,
            it may live deeply, and a thousandfold.

            4. At Gloaming 夕照

            Through want and joy we have
            walked hand in hand;
            we are both resting from our travels
            now, in the quiet countryside.

            Around us the valleys fold up,
            already the air grows dark,
            only two larks still soar
            wishfully into the balmy sky.

            Come here, and let them fly about;
            soon it is time for sleep.
            We must not go astray
            in this solitude.

            O spacious, tranquil peace,
            so profound in the gloaming.
            How tired we are of travelling -
            is this perhaps death?
            • 可以另开一贴,放在这里埋没了~~~
            • 罗罗真是好样的!谢谢啊。待我慢慢听来,再忽点悠什么的。。。:D
            • 最美是<At Gloaming - 夕照>!感叹有的人生来是一道霞光,身虽死,艺术却长存。这不,我们都正在听着?。。。
              • Handshake! 这也是我的最爱,从一开始奏出的无限美好的夕阳,到最后黯然的寂静,每一个音符都令人陶醉。
                • 然,十分感人,每个音符,每隔旋律。。
            • 得回家静下来听.
    • 熟悉的老鹰,陌生的老歌:检查出来到底是什么原因使得RIP出现断续了没有?如果在CD上听没有问题,那么也可能你的CD-ROM有问题了。。。断续出现在全部的乐章中,应该不至于是碟子坏把?
      • #3230215@0
        • Works perfectly. Thx.
    • 老歌: