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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 大侠们都用哪一款耳机啊?
    • Panasonic, 买的时候$299.00. :P
      • 报告:回帖要敬业,少写了一个零,应该是$299,000
        • 报告: 耳机没有那么贵的.
          • 用日本耳机又想不丢人得用这款 --->
    • 我平时在办公室不太用耳机, 但买过一个很便宜的Sennheiser HD497, 还行. 我用耳机最多的是在路上听iPod, Sennheiser PXC 250, 有消噪音功能, 特别适合在飞机, 地铁和其它嘈杂的地方用.
      • Thanks......:-)
    • 你算问对地方了,怀疑作者是瞎起哄。。。
      • 国内作者,价格偏高, 看这个 --->
        • 夏老师义人啊!
    • Sennheiser HD580 US$150
      • Checked this product last week, $139 USD here FYI
        • good deal, i bought it 3 years ago
        • HD280 Pro is better and cheaper, felt it closed out noise better and more comfy. Got a classic look as well.
          • I belieave it's good, but probably it's not considered as a hi-fi headphone. HD580/HD600/HD650 should be better from sound point of view
    • 哪位彝人推荐一个无线的啊,方便啊,谢谢
      • i googled to find that the radiation to use wireless headphone is like putting your heads in microwave............dare not to buy it. I know it's more convenient though.
        • Google helps people, but fools people as well, if you compared power output between microwave and earphone, you won't have conclusion like this。。。
          • I thought It better "play" safer. :-) .....here is a article you might want to read.
            • Good to know, better to ignore。。。
              • lol........stubborn u r. :-)
            • Terrifying is a common, simple, and efficient way of creating business out of nothing, almost as effective as HuYou-ing in the HiFi market :)
    • Sennheiser HD580 US$180??
    • I found it's nice to have a good headphone with longer cord too..........when watching a good movie at late night by myself. :-)
      • 是啊是啊, 那里去买线? 我觉得还不够长。
        • the cable i am using --->
          • with the review--->
          • 看电影用这个有点overkill
    • 看看这几款怎么样?