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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I think a big part of the problem lies in the obvious fact that popular culture nowadays promotes (and enforces) some tenets to which classical music (or literature or any other art) stands in stark contrast --- nay, it is the embodiment of their very opposites.

1. Instant gratification: I want it all and I want it now; fast food-fast sex-fast life. All has to be received instantly and efortlessly: pleasure, knowledge, understanding. There's no time or need for reflection, for thinking, for reason or comparison. Whatever demands all these is obsolete, elitist and snobbish.

2. The cult of obscenity, perversity and insanity. The more a singer, a band, a show is prurient, coarse, rude or behaves like an escaped madman the more is hailed, revered and promoted.

3. The cult of action and happening (I call it The Headbangers Ball syndrome). Everything and everyone must move, jump, bounce, rock, roll and swing. Stillness, serenity and quietude are a sign of a weirdness.

4. The war on difference, taste, style and personality. Everyone must dress, behave, speak exactly the same, preferably as tasteless, rude and incoherently as possible. Everyone must like exactly the same type of music and read exactly the same type of books (the fewer, the better, anyway).

I'll stop here.

Now, pray tell me where in that picture fit the classical music and its lovers?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / The death of classical music
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在别的论坛看到一个讨论,转一些网友的comment.


    Think about the reasons why young people, even older people might not enjoy classical music. These are guesses...

    1) Not much action; can't exactly boogy with it with your friends.
    2) Depressing; slow movements might tend to be awkward with groups due to 'depressing' quality.
    3) Concerts tend to be non-active; you sit for 2 / 2 and a half hours quietly.
    4) Knowing not many people who would share the intrest with you; lack of communicating intrest with others at school
    5) Eliteism; the thought that classical music is only for the rich snobs.
    6) Bad experience with recordings; buying dud recordings and thinking all classical music is boring, dull and terribly done music.
    7) Long; awkward having people over to listen to 1 or 2 hours of a symphony. Too quiet for too long.
    8.) Complicated; isn't fast, grab-your-attention music like pop music is.
    9) Won't impress women.
    10) Just plain boring and dull; nerdville.
    11) Old people; both in recordings and at concerts; young people find old people boring and maybe pretentious of those related to classical music.

    另一个网友引述了一些非古典乐听众对古典音乐的评价,我觉得有的发言非常牛B,让我不得不Orz 。。。。

    "Why should I listen to classical music?"

    "Why I don't listen to classical music: I have tried it. I found it bad. Many times and many CDs. I think classical music is good for creating moods in certain movies, but I can't listen to rasp on a violin for an hour."

    "I don't enjoy classical music even remote as much as heavier music. Simple as that."

    "I have been forced to listen to some classical music and for me it's a genre I can listen to and part of it is even good but I wouldn't listen to it seriously. Some classical pieces have good melodies and they work otherwise too, but I am still thinking that music has to have real singing. Opera singing is not real singing and I can't listen to it more than 5 minutes. I like almost all instruments ever invented, but classical music is unable to combine them so that I could listen to it for long. Btw, the enthusiasts of classical music show always elitist arrogance which is unbelievable annoying."

    "Listen to Dead Can Dance instead of classical music."

    "Why should I listen to classical music when I have seen how boring it is in general? Some pieces I do like (no knowledge of composers), but otherwise I am not interested."

    "Classical music hasn't got enough energetic playing. Of course I listen to classical music if it is played with electric guitars. I'd say classical music is played with wrong instruments.(这最后一句我简直无语了,世上咋还有这样的天才捏~~~ 现在还真有把古典改编成heavy metal的)"

    "I don't listen to classical because there's better music available."

    欢迎讨论更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这位仁兄总结的比较狠:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I think a big part of the problem lies in the obvious fact that popular culture nowadays promotes (and enforces) some tenets to which classical music (or literature or any other art) stands in stark contrast --- nay, it is the embodiment of their very opposites.

      1. Instant gratification: I want it all and I want it now; fast food-fast sex-fast life. All has to be received instantly and efortlessly: pleasure, knowledge, understanding. There's no time or need for reflection, for thinking, for reason or comparison. Whatever demands all these is obsolete, elitist and snobbish.

      2. The cult of obscenity, perversity and insanity. The more a singer, a band, a show is prurient, coarse, rude or behaves like an escaped madman the more is hailed, revered and promoted.

      3. The cult of action and happening (I call it The Headbangers Ball syndrome). Everything and everyone must move, jump, bounce, rock, roll and swing. Stillness, serenity and quietude are a sign of a weirdness.

      4. The war on difference, taste, style and personality. Everyone must dress, behave, speak exactly the same, preferably as tasteless, rude and incoherently as possible. Everyone must like exactly the same type of music and read exactly the same type of books (the fewer, the better, anyway).

      I'll stop here.

      Now, pray tell me where in that picture fit the classical music and its lovers?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 4,5,6总结的还是非常中肯; 古典音乐大概死不了,但CD是死定了,CD收藏没有任何价值;买CD的使用价值就在于读两遍曲目介绍,在听两遍;这完全有更便宜的方法代替;
      • 经你这样一说CD, 诈尸出离愤怒之余, 又凭添一份失落, 很残酷的哦.
        • CD 又贵又难听又没收藏价值,我准备与时共进,改LP了,买个什么样的turntable,以提交论坛讨论了,您对音响有研究,也来发表一下意见: ---》
          • LP/胆机这些不都是"与时俱退"的东西吗?;) 我还是不发表意见的好, 否则可能会很扫你兴致.
            • 那更应该发表意见了,我现在收手还来的及,想弄个turntable的真正原因是我发现1,2$的老唱片一抓一大把,确实比买CD划算,从vocal重放和声音的和谐度来说,LP确实较好;
              • 这刀老头怎么不来踊跃发言啊???????
              • 先算经济账, LP是接触拾音, 虽然针压只有1,两克, 但压强不低. 用一次就是一次磨耗, 也没法复制收藏"原件", "收藏"价值基本上是无稽之谈, 还比不上CD, 除非新的买来不用不开封. 耗材很贵. 2手LP虽便宜, 但一个钻石stylus的MC pickup,
                最次的也要一百多刀, 寿命也就几百小时而已, 红宝石的寿命更短, 听得多的话, 这可是经常性花费. 现在那么多LP甩卖出来, 会不会是因为大家觉得听CD更便宜, LP成了废物?

                音质上, 虽然CD beats LP hands down on every front. 不管是技术指标还是专业的主观音质评价CD都大大超越LP, 但是你如果就是中意LP, 不喜欢CD的清澈透明无噪无失真空间感宽阔的声音, 那也是没办法的事, 主观好恶没有讨论余地的嘛, 大可不必就此收手.

                我曾经有过一堆LP, 当年移民时海运过来一吨多锅碗瓢盆菜刀案板什么的, 还有全数CD, LP一张也没运.
                • 这样啊? 费用竟然还高?那先把我手头价值$40先用着,其他再研究研究;至于音质,就很主观了,各个阵营都簇拥者众。但CD我还是不看好,前有SACD/HDCD; 后有MP3;不出十年将被淘汰;
                  • 不知不觉中hijacked the thread....记载介质的淘汰更替是经常发生的事, 我觉得所有的人都已经习以为常, CD即便是下个月淘汰也不该吃惊. 唱片业的威胁来自于音乐出版发行手段的多样化和高质量复制的简便易行,
                    SACD/HDCD也受到同样的威胁, 而且由于这两种介质的节目源远不及CD庞大, 又要求环绕声重放设备和环境, 听众群比CD大为窄小, 还基本无法满意实现portability, 个人认为它们的生存发展空间还不如CD.
                    • 闲着也是闲着,既然CD要被淘汰,对LP的可行性再提交讨论, 好象讨论结果还很乐观,透支USD$100,至少可听一年时间;---》
                    • 前段时间升级音响,顺便对音源调查了以下:这是结论:
                      1)在非hi-fi音源下,320K 的MP3和CD音质很难辩论;
                      2)US$2000的SACD player(双声道)比US$2000的CD player效果好很多,(开扬,细节)
                      3)生产一个好的CD player价格很高, naim 555 cd player @22,000 US$
                      4)LINN 用最好的cd player 和最好的turntable对比实验,多数人人为LP更好听。
                      5)我的naim cd5 (list price US$2000)和我的FM现场播放(magnum tuner)效果不相上下;

    • 我看完全没必要讨论. 任何fine art 的生存和延续从来不是也永远不会依赖于"悦者众". 之所以有人不喜欢, 是因为尚未发现其审美价值, 多数人一辈子也没发现, 这也没什么, it's the way it is.
    • 非常不幸,至今能传世的,还就只有classical music,自己细想一下是不是这个道理。
      • NODDING~